General info
The market that the CPU is designed for.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X desktop
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS laptop
CPU socket
The CPU socket/s supported.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X am5
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS null
The motherboard chipset/s supported.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X x670, b650
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS null
Thermal Design Power (TDP)
The thermal design power (TDP) is the maximum amount of power the cooling system needs to dissipate. A lower TDP typically means that it consumes less power.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 170
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 35
CPU temperature
If the CPU exceeds the maximum operating temperature then problems such as random resets can occur.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 95
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 100
PCI Express (PCIe) version
Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) is a high-speed interface standard for connecting components, such as graphics cards and SSDs, to a motherboard. Newer versions can support more bandwidth and deliver better performance.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 5
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 4
Number of transistors
A higher transistor count generally indicates a newer, more powerful processor.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 16630
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS null
CPU speed
The CPU speed indicates how many processing cycles per second can be executed by a CPU, considering all of its cores (processing units). It is calculated by adding the clock rates of each core or, in the case of multi-core processors employing different microarchitectures, of each group of cores.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 16 x 4.3
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 8 x 4
CPU threads
More threads result in faster performance and better multitasking.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 32
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 16
Turbo clock speed
When the CPU is running below its limitations, it can boost to a higher clock speed in order to give increased performance.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 5.7
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 5.2
Has an unlocked multiplier
Some processors come with an unlocked multiplier which makes them easy to overclock, allowing you to gain increased performance in games and other apps.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS
L2 cache
A larger L2 cache results in faster CPU and system-wide performance.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 16
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 8
L3 cache
A larger L3 cache results in faster CPU and system-wide performance.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 64
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 16
L1 cache
A larger L1 cache results in faster CPU and system-wide performance.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 1280
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 512
L3 core
More data can be stored in the L3 cache for access by each core of the CPU.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 4
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 2
Clock multiplier
The clock multiplier controls the speed of the CPU.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 43
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 40
PassMark result
This benchmark measures the performance of the CPU using multiple threads.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 67105
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 28176
PassMark result (single)
This benchmark measures the performance of the CPU using a single thread.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 4755
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 3699
Integrated graphics
GPU clock speed
The graphics processing unit (GPU) has a higher clock speed.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X null
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 800
GPU name
The name of the integrated GPU.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X null
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 2800
GPU turbo
When the GPU is running below its limitations, it can boost to a higher clock speed in order to give increased performance.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 2200
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 12
GPU execution units
A graphics processing unit (GPU) with a greater number of execution units can deliver better graphics.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 2
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS null
DirectX version
DirectX is used in video games, with newer versions supporting better graphics and features. The latest version is DirectX 12 Ultimate, which includes support for ray tracing, mesh shaders, and variable rate shading (VRS).
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X null
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 4
Supported displays
Using multiple displays you can create a larger workspace, making it easier to work across multiple apps.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X null
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 4.6
OpenGL version
OpenGL is used in games, with newer versions supporting better graphics.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X null
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 2.1
OpenCL version
Some apps use OpenCL to apply the power of the graphics processing unit (GPU) for non-graphical computing. Newer versions introduce more functionality and better performance.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X null
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 48
Texture mapping units (TMUs)
TMUs take textures and map them to the geometry of a 3D scene. More TMUs will typically mean that texture information is processed faster.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X null
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 32
Render output units (ROPs)
The ROPs are responsible for some of the final steps of the rendering process, writing the final pixel data to memory and carrying out other tasks such as anti-aliasing to improve the look of graphics.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X null
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 768
RAM speed (max)
The maximum speed of RAM that is supported by the CPU.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 5600
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 7500
Maximum memory amount
The maximum amount of memory (RAM) supported.
- AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 192
- AMD Ryzen 9 Pro 7940HS 256