General info
Thermal Design Power (TDP)
The thermal design power (TDP) is the maximum amount of power the cooling system needs to dissipate. A lower TDP typically means that it consumes less power.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE 36W
- Intel Xeon D-1846 55
Semiconductor size
Small semiconductors provide better performance and reduced power consumption. Chipsets with a higher number of transistors, semiconductor components of electronic devices, offer more computational power. A small form factor allows more transistors to fit on a chip, therefore increasing its performance.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE 10nm
- Intel Xeon D-1846 null
Supported displays
Using multiple displays you can create a larger workspace, making it easier to work across multiple apps.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE null
- Intel Xeon D-1846 null
CPU speed
The CPU speed indicates how many processing cycles per second can be executed by a CPU, considering all of its cores (processing units). It is calculated by adding the clock rates of each core or, in the case of multi-core processors employing different microarchitectures, of each group of cores.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE 6 x 1.7GHz
- Intel Xeon D-1846 10 x 2
CPU threads
More threads result in faster performance and better multitasking.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE 12
- Intel Xeon D-1846 20
Turbo clock speed
When the CPU is running below its limitations, it can boost to a higher clock speed in order to give increased performance.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE 2.7GHz
- Intel Xeon D-1846 3.1
L3 cache
A larger L3 cache results in faster CPU and system-wide performance.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE 10MB
- Intel Xeon D-1846 15
Clock multiplier
The clock multiplier controls the speed of the CPU.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE null
- Intel Xeon D-1846 20
Has an unlocked multiplier
Some processors come with an unlocked multiplier which makes them easy to overclock, allowing you to gain increased performance in games and other apps.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE
- Intel Xeon D-1846
L3 core
More data can be stored in the L3 cache for access by each core of the CPU.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE 1.67MB/core
- Intel Xeon D-1846 1.5
Maximum memory amount
The maximum amount of memory (RAM) supported.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE 256GB
- Intel Xeon D-1846 2933
RAM speed
It can support faster memory, which will give quicker system performance.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE 2400MHz
- Intel Xeon D-1846 256
Instruction sets
Instruction sets are sets of codes that the CPU runs for certain functions.
- Intel Xeon D-1722NE sse_4_2, sse_4_1, avx, aes, fma_3, f16c, mmx
- Intel Xeon D-1846 mmx, f16c, fma_3, aes, avx, avx_2, sse_4_1, sse_4_2